Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Ostankino Theatre parterre

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Ostankino Theatre parterre

Nicholai Sheremetev had the Ostankino theatre designed and constructed so that a movable theatre parterre could be raised to the level of the stage to rapidly transform the theatre into a ballroom (called a "vauxhall" at that time). 1 A more esteemed class seated at le paradis (the balcony), looked down upon those in the parterre. 2

1 Cherviakov, Aleksandr; "The Ostankino Palace-Museum: A guide (Guidebook)", Raduga, Winnipeg Manitoba, 1985, p. 92.
2 Smith, Douglas; "The Pearl: A True Tale of Forbidden Love in Catherine the Great's Russia", Yale Univ. Press, 2008, pp. 114, 133


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